Smart Metering - Solutions

Smart metering may be used in almost all kinds of buildings and constructions. Some professionals even believe that the future is in smart metering and that one day, the whole world will be interconnected through smart metering (or, more particularly, through smart grids).

 Enerfis presents three types of smart metering realization according to 3 types of buildings:


Průmyslový areál

Imagine a typical industrial complex. Dozens or hundreds of thousands of built-up area, dozens of buildings and various facilities, and millions of crowns a year in energy expenses.
Do you feel that your energy costs are too high but you do not know why? Do you think that some of the machines do not necessarily have to be in operation at certain times? Do you want to know what affects the energy consumption in your compound the most and what you are spending your money on? Do you wonder why some of the buildings consume much more energy than others? Do you exceed the allowed quarter hour maximum sometimes?
These days, we are able to measure and work with every bit of your industrial complex, meter the consumption in real time and automate all metering processes in the area. We can set up machines that need not function constantly to switch on and off automatically and optimize consumption so that it is as low as possible. Let your employees occupy themselves with maximization of their performance and let the smart metering system handle conservation of energy.



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Do you have a problem that may be solved by smart metering?Contact us