Smart Metering - 106 Meters in three buildings

The Client

In this project, our customer was the 2N s.r.o. company which administers three administration buildings with the total gross area of 10.000 sq.m. In terms of facility management, the employees of 2N are highly motivated to search for possible savings. There are solar panels installed on the roofs, and condensation boilers installed in the basement – these technologies reduce the energy demands of the administered area. However, the buildings were missing a system of collection of relevant data from meters as well as automation of such process, which would enable the management to find additional savings of energy.

Enectiva 2N s.r.o.

Assignment and Objectives

  • Installation of remote collection of data
  • Ability to minutely measure consumption of tenants, technology, and gauges
  • Developing materials used for the division of energy costs
  • To interconnect everything, so that all can be monitored in real time at



We have interconnected the overall number of 106 meters (54 of which are read remotely) in various intervals. The meters were connected together via M-bus bar, the main meters at the feet of the buildings are read using the M-bus wireless protocol. The product of the 2N company, i.e. 2N SmartCom PRO, was used as the collector.

Our system provides solution for reading of all monitored energy types – heat in kWh, gas in cubic meters, electric energy in kWh, and water in cubic meters. The frequency of reading varies from 10 mins to 1 day, depending on the type of energy and on the way it is used. This system provides its administrator with data which are detailed enough for him to decide correctly what technology should be regulated or where to look for savings.
Selection of statistics visible to the owner and administrator:2N SmartCom PRO

  • expenses spent on individual energies per sq.m. of leased area
  • unmetered consumption in proportion to the consumption of tenants and shared space
  • heat consumption spent on heating of interiors and water
  • heat consumption spent on heating of the shared spaces or spaces used by tenantsr


Summary of the key parameters

The total number of read meters 106 (44 electric meters, 33 calorimeters, 22 water meters, 7 gas meters)
Used Interfaces and protocols M-bus Wireless M-bus Pulse
Number of users  5
The length of used cable  more then 500 meters  
Frequency of reading of meters 10 min to 1 day